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News and Links

  • May 1, 2009: - Breaking News: 13% of Americans Buy Kosher Food, Latest Mintel Report
  • April 15 2009 - Kosher, Halal Foods Meet Demands of Today's Consumers -- But Most Don't Know It Yet- NEW YORK, NY -- (Marketwire)
  • February 3rd, 2009 - Mintel Report a Confirmation of Strength of Kosher- http://www.koshertoday.com/
  • February 2009 - 3 in 5 kosher food buyers purchase for food quality, not religion
  • January 2009 - “Natural” claims ranked first on new food and drink launches in 2008, finds Mintel
  • September 19 2008- Growing number of Australian manufacturers embracing Halal and Kosher certification- Australian food News

Read Kosher Food & Market News here...

UniGlobe opens office in Vietnam

Finally clients in Vietnam and the Mekong area can be happy to know we have opened an office in Hồ Chí Minh City, Vietnam. Please contact UniGlobe at +84 8 62583363 or email us at info@uniglobesolutions.vn for assistance.

UniGlobe opens office in London

Due to the increase demand for kosher in EU, UniGlobe has open an office in London to service customers in Europe and northern Asia such as Russia, the Baltic States and the Middle East. Please contact UniGlobe at +44 7914783366 or email us at info@uniglobesolutions.com for assistance.

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